What To Look Forward To In 2025!
Rancho Los Alamitos's public programs for the year have been announced, and all information regarding exploration talks (formerly lectures), workshops, summer concerts, and cool crafts round ups are available online.
Happy Holidays From Rancho Los Alamitos
720 guests joined us for two nights of Rancho Voices, our special holiday program highlighting stories and songs from the viewpoint of those who worked and lived here. Special thanks to Roxanne Patmor, Kaye Briegel, the Long Beach Playhouse, and all the amazing volunteers, actors, and performers who lent their time and talent to this special Rancho tradition.
Celebrating Asian Pacific American Heritage Month
Rancho Los Alamitos worked closely with nearby Japanese Tenant Farmers, who were successful in growing a variety ofcrops. Visit Walk the Farm to learn more about Japanese-owned farms in Southern California, ...